UMDA Global Markets--Buy and Sell online


When you sign up to use our platform for business, we offer you a free store/outlet which is co-ran by you and us in other to maximize your profiting. Your store is a full functional ecommerce platform with multiple functionalities excellent user experience.

Create Free Stores

This powerful feature is designed to help you scale your business by acquiring an online presence free of charge. Great businesses have online presence and likewise should you. The amount of online purchases per day is far going through the roofs, hence you should secure your own online space. Our platform has awesome tools to generate leads and sales for you. We provide digital receipts(invoices), secure payment systems, analytics tools, tracking systems and so much more to make your business stand out and make a bold statement. You can create as many stores as possible as well as adding as many items as you might wish. 78% of the people who have online stores with us attest to our capabilities as they have all experienced tremendous increase in sales.

Enjoy Global Reach

UMDA offers you the functionality to scale your business to a global level. We have users from countries of the world and our projections includes 'connecting people around the world.' It doesn't matter where you are, you are invited to create your store with us because we believe there is someone somewhere in the world who is currently looking for what you sell to buy. Additionally, through the partnerships we have secured, we and our partners are able and positioned to deliver your sold items to any part of the world where they are needed.

Create Markets

The Universal Market Device Architecture affords you the opportunity to create markets on our platform. These markers are the virtual forms of the original (native) markets. These markets which must be existing physically at a given location would provide resources to the virtual versions. People would prefer buying virtually from these markets would then have the option to buy their preferred items virtually on the UMDA platform. Once you create a market on our platform, you would continually be paid for every order made from that market.

Drop Box Offices

UMDA Drop Box Offices are available to receive and process your items for global delivery. They also serve as pick up offices. You can sign up to be a Drop Box Office operator and get paid for every item picked from your office.

Scarcity alert

Receive/get Scarcity alert on all items. This special function helps you to know what is going out of market stock so you can take advantage when it is cheaper. As much as possible, our system will try to cover a wide range of markets and items even items not listed on our platform.

Frequently bought

Our systems are designed to give meaningful and insightful analysis which you can depend on when making choices. With the 'frequently bought' tool, you may then be able to switch or alternate your sales from what is not selling to what is selling the most. Our systems would help you make better and profitable business decisions because we understand that profitability is an important business selection factor

Currency converter

We have made it easier for you to buy and sale using any preferred currency of choice relative to your local currency.

Countdown timer

The countdown timer enables you to set to time to your sales. It is a good promotional tool especially for your special events and sale

Share and earn

For every item you promote using our share and earn tool, you will be paid. The more items you share, the more you earn.

Get paid for shopping

Shop with UMDA and you will get paid weekly.

Refer a friend and earn

You can invite your friends to use our services and get rewarded in payments

Discount sales

Get amazing discounts that are unbeatable.

Credit sales

Shop with UMDA and you will get paid weekly.

Special events

Create special events and run them as promotions. You can create Car boot Sales, Credit Sales, Auctions Sales, Rummage sales, Garage sales, Jumble sales, Black Fridays, etc.

Item description

Get all information about food items such as nutritional stats, dietary stats, preparation methods, preservation methods, eat by date, health benefits, trader profile,

Food share

Participate in our food share program and you can get food items for free.

Carton fair/exhibition

We are utilizing several dynamic ideas to give your business a sharp edge and a quantum leap over the cross bars. Our global carton fairs which is an online trade fair for vendors and exhibitors to present their works to a global audience. The event lasts for a month during which the exhibitors would enjoy product promotions, match making, business negotiations. The fair will set up online booths for product display, cross-border e-commerce and sales over live streaming.

Live chat

We are online 24/7 to attend to your needs and questions. One of the best things you will experience about us is our amazing customer service center. All our staff and technology resources in the customer service department are fitted to ensure you get the best services possible. Enjoy a 24-hour chat facility with us. We are always online to chat with you.

Online Chef

Not sure of how to prepare that wonderful meal or what is required? We have available experts that would answer your questions and provide guidance for you to successfully make that beautiful me

Nutrition educators

What you eat and how you eat are vital elements of a healthy living hence we have made ready nutrition experts who constantly make posts and updates across our channels on healthy diets and living. They will tell you all you possibly never knew about an item; it's pros and cons, why you should eat it or why you shouldn't. They are here to make sure you stay informed and eat smart.

Technical experts

For several reasons people buy a misfit online, however with our team of technical experts, you can ask your pre-purchase technical questions and get instant feedbacks. They correspond between our customers and our vendors in technical areas and are available 24/7 to respond to you in real time. Their expertise covers a wide range of areas and topics. They will give you good tips and sound recommendations you can sure count on.

Budget and purchase

If you are not sure of how to get the most out of your budget, our budget and purchase team will help you derive the most satisfaction out of your budget. They are strategically positioned to give you the best options most fitted for your needs.

Supply and logistics

The Universal Market Device Architecture offers extensive global logistics supplies. Our supply and logistics team are specially trained to take on the most challenging delivery and routes. They are available to answer your questions 24/7 and to ensure your maximum satisfaction.

Global Courier Service

If you have parcels, documents or cargoes that need delivery, you can count on the UMDA for an affordable delivery service.

Fast Delivery

Through our large logistic network.

100% Satisfaction Guarantee

All items are verified.

Great Daily Deals Discount

Discount and Coupons.